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[EXPIRED] Homepage video

Posted: 07/06/2016, 13:14
by [GM]Vega
Vi informiamo che siamo alla ricerca di qualcuno che crei un video di presentazione per P4Story dove vengono fatte notare tutte le nostre features, regali, starter box, lotterie etc.

We inform you that we are looking for someone to create a presentation video for P4Story where they show out all our features, such as gifts, starter box, lotteries etc.

Chi farà il video migliore riceverà un compenso in pietre lunari.
Who will make the best video receives moonstones as fees.

For suggestion or to show us your creations send us a ticket.

Re: [Contest] Homepage video

Posted: 14/01/2017, 14:41
by [GM]Vega
Adrenalized Homepage video:
3k moonstones
Thanks for the collaboration.