Season Event #15 - September 2023

Activities scheduled in Iberia!
Attività in calendario ad Iberia!
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Season Event #15 - September 2023

Post by [GA]Mercurio » 04/09/2023, 19:53

Season 15 is coming!

PvP event - Open World Ranking

The following prizes will be awarded to the top 7 Derion and top 7 Valorian in Open World Ranking for the month of September:

Time: 1st September -> 30th September (23.59)

Rewards for the 7 top players (Valorian/Derion)
1st 400ms + 1000 medals + 30x large pet experience + 44 Jewel (Only 1 bonus of your choice, blue jewel) + Divine pet color of choice
2nd 300ms + 1000 medals + 26x large pet experience + Divine mount color of choice
3rd 200ms + 800 medals + 22x large pet experience + Divine pet color of choice
4th 100ms + 500 medals + 18x large pet experience + 3x 170% Guild Member Panacea of Growth
5th 300 medals + 15x large pet experience + 2x 170% Guild Member Panacea of Growth
6th 15x large pet experience
7th 12x large pet experience

PvE event - Marduk's Nest!

Time: 4th September -> 30th September (23.59)

This challenge is focused on teamwork.
The players who complete the "Marduk's Nest" quest in Ardir (from the Board in the base) the most times until midnight of the 30th September will win the following prizes:

Rewards for PvE event:
1st 500ms + 1000 medals + 30x large pet experience + Salesman Premium (30D) + Divine pet color of choice
2nd 400ms + 800 medals + 25x large pet experience + Divine pet color of choice
3rd 300ms + 500 medals + 20x large pet experience + Divine mount color of choice
4th 200ms + 300 medals + 18x large pet experience
5th 100ms + 300 medals + 15x large pet experience
6th 15x large pet experience
7th 12x large pet experience

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Re: Season Event #15 - September 2023

Post by [GA]Mercurio » 15/09/2023, 21:35

PvE event - Marduk's Nest!

1. qod( 123 )
2. iADH( 97 )
3. lMisko( 90 )
4. zVenum( 62 )
5. s57Nando( 43 )
6. UnPiquito( 29 )
7. xSoy( 28 )

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Re: Season Event #15 - September 2023

Post by [GA]Mercurio » 01/10/2023, 1:25

PvP event - Open World Ranking


1. dan01 323249
2. Dart 245671 *
3. Tyl 231361
4. Azathoth 201737
5. L4stSway 165753
6. Ozuna 154094
7. Kij 138166


1. xKiller786x 132155
2. DeathArrow94 73809
3. NEXEMID 65001
4. DeepiN 62861
5. ImRA 62139
6. vBoss 60481
7. Radiance 57257

* Send a ticket to choose the divine color.

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