Companion System - Pet keeper - Pet trainer

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Companion System - Pet keeper - Pet trainer

Post by Exakan » 30/06/2017, 2:02

Hello, here are all companions on P4Story (Level 20!) and all important stats.

Bonus & Exp
Pet Keeper
Pet Trainer (Exp x1)
Pet Trainer (Exp x2)

Experience for LevelUp

Total amount - 8.891.800

Maximum Bonus (Level20)

Critical Hit - 10
Hitchance - 20
Evade - 20
Life - 1000
Honour - 20%

Critical Hit - 10
Hitchance - 20
Resistence - 20
Mana - 1000
Concentration - 10
Honour - 20%

Important things

- the bonus of an inactive pet (=not active/summoned) is available at Level 11 and adds +1 to every attribute
- all companions in the CompanionsBag (Lv11!) give you +1 for every attribute
- the item [Companions Bag] raises the value of slots for inactive pets
- in BoW / WoG / BR only the first 5 pets are available
- improve your BattleRoyal / WarOfGods / BattleOfWorlds - level to unlock more companions (if you have more)

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Re: Companion System

Post by Exakan » 04/10/2017, 0:12

Bonus & Exp
Pet Keeper
Pet Trainer (Exp x1)
Pet Trainer (Exp x2)

Pet Keeper

Location - First Sentry Post (Gor --> Baikera Canyon Entrance)
Sense? - storage for companions & transfer of pets to other characters

- select a pet, click on "Dismiss" (you can't use a summoned pet)

- put the pet into the companion bag (every char has 3 free places)

- talk to "Cryros" --> select the pet --> click on the arrow to add OR remove it

- you can store 8 companions at the Pet-Keeper
- the bonus/skill of these pets is not active in the Pet-Keeper
- you can open the storage with different chars = transfer possible
This works only for chars on the same account.

You can't transfer your pets to another kingdom. If you delete all chars, the pets are blocked (X).

Create a new character in the right faction to get them back.

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Re: Companion System

Post by Exakan » 04/10/2017, 2:54

Bonus & Exp
Pet Keeper
Pet Trainer (Exp x1)
Pet Trainer (Exp x2)

Pet Trainer (Exp x1)

Location - First Sentry Post (Gor --> Baikera Canyon Entrance)
Sense? - Level your companions 24/7 !
1 second = +1 experience
125 seconds = -1 healthpoint

- select a pet, click on "Dismiss" (you can't use a summoned pet)

- put the pet into the companion bag (every char has 3 free places)

- talk to "Lorelei" --> select a pet --> click on the arrow to apply the pet to the trainer

Experience for your pet:
Time of the current training (M= minutes, S= seconds
254/3600 = experience for the next level (live counter)
(+254) = experience of the current training process (can be different every time you restart)
10097 = Health of your pet (dependent on your HP)
(-2) = you lose healthpoints during the training
"Take it back" - remove the pet from the trainer

Your pet get's experience even if you go away or offline.
If you reach the maximum experience, you have to remove the pet from the NPC and try to level up, after restart the training.

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Re: Companion System

Post by Exakan » 21/10/2017, 0:33

Bonus & Exp
Pet Keeper
Pet Trainer (Exp x1)
Pet Trainer (Exp x2)

Pet Trainer (Exp x2)

Location - Colossus Mountains (use the portal in Markut/Keter)
Sense? - Level your companions 24/7 !
1 second = +2 experience
125 seconds = -3 healthpoints

- select a pet, click on "Dismiss" (you can't use a summoned pet)

- put the pet into the companion bag (every char has 3 free places)

- talk to "Bruno" --> select a pet --> click on the arrow to apply the pet to the trainer

Experience for your pet:
Time of the current training (M= minutes, S= seconds
218/3600 = experience for the next level (live counter)
(+212) = experience of the current training process (can be different every time you restart)
10097 = Health of your pet (dependent on your HP)
(-2) = you lose healthpoints during the training
"Take it back" - remove the pet from the trainer

Your pet get's experience even if you go away or offline.
If you reach the maximum experience, you have to remove the pet from the NPC and try to level up, after restart the training.

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Re: Companion System

Post by [GA]Mercurio » 26/07/2019, 19:49

Can I craft the Life for my pet?

In Tebekut, in the 1st Sentry Post, you can encounter the craft NPC Aleena.

aleena.png (486.57 KiB) Viewed 12634 times

Interact with Aleena and you can craft the <<Small Will to Live>> for a value of 500 HP.

smallwilltolive.png (66.32 KiB) Viewed 12634 times

You need 120 green, blue and red herbs.

Open your companion manager window with the hotkey "," and select the desidered pet then with a double click on the item the HP will be added to the pet.

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