Server Update - 2023-11-11 00.10 GMT+1

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Server Update - 2023-11-11 00.10 GMT+1

Post by [GA]Mercurio » 06/11/2023, 23:05

A restart is scheduled.

[!] Halloween event: off

> Eopar theme and halloween NPCs have been removed.
> Pumpkins monsters in Iberia (Open World) have been removed.

[+] Priest

> Skill <<Divine Courage>> has been changed: duration 12 min (prev 10m), cd 15m 30s (prev 14m), effect +11% (prev 10%).

[+] Tournament

- Tournament: it is now possible to move the score window without unlocking the UI.
- Tournament: It is now possible to link a potion from the tournament bag to the skill bars.
> The potions will remain linked in your Skill Bar but you won't be able to use them outside of tournaments and they'll be marked with a red icon.
- Effect of recklessness potion is now removed at the start of the match (same for Challenge and Arena).

[+] Mission War

- Top kill leaderboards have been added to Mission War Battle.


- An issue preventing potions from being used during challenges has been fixed.
- An Anti Macro update has been applied.

- Sky Garden: The guild experience gained from this battle is now increased.
- BoW, WoG, BFR, BG: Guild experience is now correctly assigned to the guild when a player switches to the opposite faction.

- Battle Royal: Another update has been applied to the Match Making (another step for random BR).
- Ancient Kokuma: The monsters will now attack in melee with a physical attack.

- <<Treasure Chest - Boss Rahu>>: Added <<170% Guild Member Panacea of Growth>>
- <<Treasure Chest - Immortal Machine>>: <<130% Guild Member Panacea of Growth>> replaced with <<170% Guild Member Panacea of Growth>>
- <<Battle Royal - Reward for Kills>>: Removed <<Invisibility potion>>
- <<Goddess' Tears>>: the rewards in this item have been updated.

- Talent <<Royal Player>> has been nerfed: L.1 +1 - L.2 +1 - L.3 +2
- The cost in medals to get more boxes from a battlefield (BoW,WoG,BFR,BG,XFire) has been increased from 90 to 130.

- Bina: increased the number of monsters <<Baleful Kulbrigon>> and <<Assassin Kroger>>
- Tebekut (Craftsman NPC - Talent): <<Formula of emptiness>> has been added for 18 orbs.

- Bug fix: The "Kill" effect (over the head) is no longer displayed when a player has a <<Guardian Angel>>.
- Speed Potion: Normal and Premium now have a shared cooldown.

- If you have a <<Glyph Extraction Tincture>> activated, you can now overwrite it with a <<Glyph Extraction Tincture - Premium>>.
- If you have a <<130% Guild Member Pancea of Growth>> activated, you can now overwrite it with a <<170% Guild Member Panacea of Growth>>.

- Battle Royal: If your team has a Priest, you'll now get 3/3 buffs (until it is eliminated) using the buff button.

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