Server Update - 2024-01-03 00.10 GMT+1

Update and Patch
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Server Update - 2024-01-03 00.10 GMT+1

Post by [GA]Mercurio » 31/12/2023, 13:25

A restart is scheduled.

[+] Battles Time Schedule

- The time schedule has been updated.
> Sky garden has been moved on Sunday (21.30).
> Every day at 20.10 there is now a WoG.
> BR 3x at 21.00 has been replaced with 2x.

battletime25.png (22.72 KiB) Viewed 11061 times

[+] Tournament

- Falken Tournament is now 2vs2 and moved at 18.00 (previously 14.30).
- Priest/Warrior: Both the weapons and shield are given as a reward (no more choice).
- Night walker: added sword and dagger both the weapons and blade are given as a reward.

[+] Emerald Cavern

- Money rate and chance to drop money from monsters has been increased.


- A change has been made to the Warrior when using the Axe in Run/Walk.
- The MVP message after a WoG/BFR/BoW is now delayed by 1 minute.
- MVP values in millions are now displayed with M.
- Battleground: the <<Return to base>> is now available for 10 BP.
- <<Reward - CrossFire>> is now tradable.

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