Server Update - 2024-01-13 00.10 GMT+1

Update and Patch
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Server Update - 2024-01-13 00.10 GMT+1

Post by [GA]Mercurio » 11/01/2024, 15:18

A restart is scheduled.

[+] XMas Event Off

- The XMas Theme is removed from Eopar.
- Items associated with the event will no longer be available from the in-game store.

[+] Nature of Object

- It is now possible to discover the nature of a cloak.
- Double-clicking on an item or nature item will now place it in the correct slot when the nature window is opened.

[+] Evocator

- The intelligence has been increased to have a little more damage on character.
- The damage of Divine Spirit and Dark Spirit is now equal in open world and battlefields, with the result it is now increased in open world.
- 1 point of Wisdom increases now the pet cure of 20 HP.
- A speed malus on the character no longer affects the summoned pet.
- <<Whip>>: speed is now back to 210% (previously 190%, Note: There is no interference of speed with the speed of the mount or the whip of the mount when the pet is accelerated with <<Whip>> ).
- The base HP of the class has been reduced (~2000 less).
- <<Mana missile>>, <<Mana explosion>>, <<Blockade>>: The cast is now slightly faster.

[+] Priest

- 1 point of Wisdom increases now the cure of 20 HP (previously 15).
- <<Cure>> has now 11477 HP points.
- <<Group Healing>> has now 8201 HP points.

[+] Archer

- <<Wind Shield>>: the value has been decreased to 250 (previously 300).
- Damage has been increased, depending on the "skill" attribute of the character.

[+] Warrior

- A fix with <<Shackles>> and <<Battle Cry>> range has been applied.


- Pressing 'H' to open the help window will now display the weekly battlefields times on the first page.
- It is now possible to select a player with a mouse click under a block stun.
> Note: Evocators can now click to select when they have a Fear Stun (previously only Tab).
- A new game setting "Divine/Dark Spirit with CTRL-TAB" allows you to select the Evocator's Divine Spirit/Dark Spirit using the CTRL + TAB hotkey.
- Intelligence damage has been increased slightly: Priest/Mage/Evocator will get it.

- Falken/Leya Tournaments: a problem with party has been fixed.
- Battle Royal: The buff button no longer applies buffs to summoned pets.

- Battleground: The Pet Ability Collection is now available to the first pet from the start of battle.

- Mini Raid Boss Rewards - Ardir NPC: "Gold", "Green", "Purple", "Deep Water" and "Storm Red" colors are now available for mount.

- Tornament/Challenge:
> <<Rice cake soup>> has been removed for the tournament bag.
> 6000 HP potion has been replaced with 7000 HP potion.

- Battle Royal Reward box: Mount tincture has been replaced with <<Dark Essence>>.

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