Server Update - 2024-02-24 00.10 GMT+1

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Server Update - 2024-02-24 00.10 GMT+1

Post by [GA]Mercurio » 19/02/2024, 13:12

A restart is scheduled.

[+] Valentine's Day Event Off

- The event's NPC will be removed.
- The event's items in the game shop will be removed.

[+] Chakra Preview

- The Chakra Preview for Chakra and Chakra Appearance has arrived!
> You can now see a preview of the Chakra and Chakra Appearance directly on your character in the in-game shop, bags and offline shops.
> Game Shop: click on the preview icon.
> Bags: right click on the item icon.
> Offline Shops: select the item and right-click.

chakrapreview.png (426.42 KiB) Viewed 14093 times

> The preview allows you to see the effect, but also to mix it with an existing effect or color of your chakra.
> Press the "Demo ON" button to show the effect and the "Demo OFF" button to hide it (closing the window will automatically turn the "Demo OFF").

[+] Sky Garden

- The NPC that provides buffs during the battle has been added to both sides' bases.

[+] Battle Royal

- When your match is over, you will be automatically teleported out after 30 seconds.
- When all team members have been eliminated, the last surviving player in the team will now have a dead timer. At the end of the time, if he is still alive, he will be eliminated.
- If a team member has crashed and the timer is active, the timer will disappear when he rejoins.
- The timer will run for 3 minutes if your teammates are eliminated, or 5 minutes if a member has crashed.
cdbrtimer.png (9.4 KiB) Viewed 13881 times


- Some more common items have been removed from the announcement of the raffle token in the announcement chat to prevent some spam.
- Eopar: The opposing faction is not shown as an enemy in the mini-map.

- Evocator: If the summoned pet's whip ends while the character has a speed malus, the pet will now get its default speed instead of the malus.
- Raid (RSCS): The member's class icon is now displayed in the group member list.

- Game Settings: The "Hide my companion" setting has been added to the "Interface" tab.
- More item links in chat are now cached by the game client.

- Armour Potion and Magic Armor Potion can now be used directly while riding without dismounting.

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