Server Update - 2024-05-25 00.10 GMT+2

Update and Patch
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Server Update - 2024-05-25 00.10 GMT+2

Post by [GA]Mercurio » 23/05/2024, 19:27

A server restart is scheduled.

[+] Battle Royal

- An update has been applied to all BR matchmaking (SP, 2x, 3x, Random).
> Improved optimisations for groups.
- Race costumes are back.
- Your teammates' HP will now appear under their names in the group interface.

[+] Battle of World

- The Dragon's stun is back.


- Dodge can now be used again under block.
- A change has been made to the mount to prevent it from getting stuck and relogging.
- A fix for the flash bug has been applied in BR.
- Using a debuff with Bow now has the same speed as XBow (it was slower before).

- Added a new setting under "Interface" to show the timestamp (local time) of chat messages.
- Wisdom nature on weapons now gives the same damage bonus as Intelligence.

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