Server Update - 2024-06-08 00.10 GMT+2

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Server Update - 2024-06-08 00.10 GMT+2

Post by [GA]Mercurio » 03/06/2024, 11:01

A server restart is scheduled.

[+] (Offline) Shop Manager

- A new NPC has arrived in Eopar: Lomilda, the Shop Manager.
shopmanager.png (1.28 MiB) Viewed 12520 times

> This allows you to search for an item with advanced filters in all (offline) shops in Eopar.
# You can buy an item in the offline shop directly from here, without to search the shop in Eopar.

shop1.png (335.72 KiB) Viewed 12409 times

> You can select up to 4 options and combine them to find a specific item.

shop2.png (459.67 KiB) Viewed 12409 times

> :!: It is now possible to search glyphs with their type, class or value.

filterglyph.png (69.5 KiB) Viewed 12406 times

[+] Battle Royal

- Some changes have been made to the costumes to fix the "flash bug".
> You can wear a costume after 45s of wearing the previous one.

[+] Tournament

- Falken - Night Walker: added the swords in the rewards.


- Security Code: it is now possible to add a glyph to a pet without having to enter the security code.
- <<Dignified Suffering>> is now removed when a Priest enters in CW.
- Chakra items (the starting items before they were converted to Custom Chakra) will now display total HP.

- Chat time is now between brackets and doesn't appear in the chat box above the character's head.
- Bug fix: The Skygarden map is no longer displayed if you're disconnected from battle when you rejoin in another region.

- <<Chakra Appearance>> can now be searched in the Auction.
- New category to filer the items have been added in the Auction:
> Accesories -> Chakra
> Chakra SFX -> Appearance
> Pet -> Glyph

- Challenge, Gold D. Roger quest (Eopar Raid Boss) and Dragon Invasion rewards have been updated.

- Sky Garden: the reward has been changed introducing a new Reward Box.
> Number of boxes: 8 for winners, 4 for losers.
> 1,5 golds have been added in the quest for losers.

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